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In keeping with best practices in community-based research, the SPARC EJ Lab creates both public and academic presentations and publications. SPARC also contributes directly to community programs and exhibits that are a result of collaborative research.

Enke, S., Magargal, K. Cachelin, A. Wyasket, J., Christensen, R., (2024) Gathering Firewood—and Redefining Land Stewardship—at Bears Ears. Sapiens. 

Cachelin, A., Joyner, L., Kuttner, P., Rejon Magana, G., Montoya, E., Martinez, J., Taddie, K., Yagüe, B., & Banerjee, D. (2023). Embracing the journey: Growing educational pathways for food sovereignty. In J. Howard & A. Antunes Myers (Eds.),  All in: Community engaged scholarship for social change (pp. 155–176). Myers Press. 

Joyner, L., Yagüe, B., & Cachelin, A. (2023). Promoting food systems paradigm shifts through critical reflexivity: Exploring interviews as Intervention. Social Sciences, 12(5), 280.

Kuttner, P., Antunes, A., Cachelin, A., Fitesemanu, L., Folau, M., Hart, S., & Salcedo, A. (2022). Establishing principles for community-based research: Story & power in the community research collaborative. Metropolitan Universities, 33(3), 52-68.
Joyner, L., Cachelin, A., Yagüe, B., Rose, J. (2022). Farms and gardens everywhere but not a bite to eat? A Critical Geographic Approach to Food Apartheid in Salt Lake City. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development
Mullen, C., Grineski, S., Collins, T., Xing, W., Whitaker, R., Sayahi, T., Becnel, T., Goffin, P., Gailardon, P., Meyer, M., Kelly, K. (2020). Patterns of distributive environmental inequity under different PM2.5 air pollution scenarios for Salt Lake County Public Schools. Environmental Research.
Mullen, C., Grineski, S. E., Collins, T. W., & Mendoza, D. L. (2020). Effects of PM2.5 on Third Grade Students’ Proficiency in Math and English Language Arts. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18), 6931. MDPI AG. Retrieved from
Cachelin, A., and Nicolosi, E. (2020). Critical community-engaged pedagogies: Transforming the experience of environmental justice education. Environmental Education Research
Cachelin, A., (2020). Nourishing a sense of place: Refugee foodways in the New West. In Eliason, E., McNeill, L. & Edison, C. (Eds). This is the plate: Utah Food Traditions. University of Utah Press.
Cachelin, A., Ivkovich, L., Jensen. P., & Neild, M., (2019). Leveraging foodways for health and justice. Local Environment, 24(5) 417-427.
Rose, J. (2019). Unsheltered Homelessness in Urban Parks: Perspectives on Environment, Health, and Justice in Salt Lake City, Utah. Environmental Justice, 12.
Carter, D., & Cachelin, A., (2018). The consumer costs of food certification: A pilot study and research opportunities. Journal of Consumer Affairs
Cachelin, A., Rose, J., & Rumore, D. (2016) Leveraging place for critical sustainability education: The promise of participatory action research. Journal of Sustainability Education,  11-20.
Magargal, K., Yellowman, J.,  Morning Star Chee, S., Wabel, M., Macfarlan, S., Codding, B. (In press.) Human Ecology. Political ecology of energy sovereignty on Navajo Nation. 
Magargal, K., Chee, S., Yellowman, J., Wilson, K., Brewer, S., Codding, B., Cachelin, A. (In press.) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. The impacts of climate change, energy policy, and traditional ecological practices on firewood availability for Diné (Navajo) People. 
Last Updated: 2/11/25